Thanks to the consistent advertisement of the benefits of staying fit on and off mainstream media, more and more people develop a passion for fitness. Many of them, after all, could not wait to leave the office so that they could devour an entire box of pizza or a bucket of chicken at home. Now, they may be more conscious of what they eat and try to burn away the calories they consumed as fast as possible.
The truth, nonetheless, is that it can’t possibly be easy to stick with a single exercise your entire life. Even the professional athletes don’t do that since it can cause them to feel burnt out in the long run. Hence, while their main event may be swimming or basketball, for instance, these folks tend to hit the gym sometimes or look for more exercises to experience.
In case burnout is not enough reason for you to change up your workout routine, the following ideas may enable you to search other physical activities immediately.
1. You Can Injure The Same Muscles
One of the first things to think about when exercising is the well-being of your muscle groups. Say, your entire week cannot pass without deadlifting. It is almost like a full-body workout because it affects your buttocks, thighs, lower back, abs, legs, neck, and shoulders.
Although you may find that you love running and nothing else, you still need to ensure that you include some form of muscle strengthening into your exercise plan. — Susan Krauss Whitbourne Ph.D.
Although you may appreciate how the routine allows you to bulk up, you have to realize that it only takes place because the physical exertion causes your muscles to rip and heal simultaneously. Considering you don’t stop doing one exercise, however, these areas won’t have time to recover before you use the same muscle groups again and may become injured for a while.
2. Your Body Might Adapt Too Much
Every reliable fitness instructor or enthusiast you will meet may say at one point, “It is amazing that this routine works for you. Just try not to get stuck in a plateau.” What it entails is that the physical changes brought by the workout are usually consistent for a few weeks. When your body adapts to the same repetitions that you do, the transformation may slow down or, worse, stop. The changes may only show once again when you try a different routine.
Moderate exercise, which for most people means about 40-minute sessions four times per week, is sufficient to reap all of exercise’s benefits on mood, anxiety, cognition and sleep. — Deborah R. Glasofer Ph.D.
3. You Don’t Want To Feel Bored
Why do you think many students dread going to classes? The typical reason is that they find studying for more than eight hours a day for over ten years extremely monotonous. Even on weekends when they are supposed to relax, it may be essential for them to receive additional tutoring, and so de-stressing goes out of the window.
Well, it is likely to deal with boredom when you are exercising too. You lift the same weights three times a week; you merely see the four corners of the gym all the time. The activity feels more like a chore than anything then. Hence, it matters to switch up your workouts occasionally.
4. It’s Effortless To Expand Your Network This Way
Trying various exercises also means that you won’t be working out with the same group of people. When you go to the gym, for example, folks with bulky muscles will be there. Once you enter a yoga class, you will see flexible individuals. Chances are, at least one of them may either introduce you to another physical activity that you’ll love or help you build up your professional career. That will undeniably be a win for you.
Final Thoughts
Tweaking the fitness routine that you do is especially important if you want to lose weight. You may achieve that for several months with the same exercise, but you should realize that it will not last forever. Your system will eventually get used to the workout, and then you start wondering why the number on the scale is similar to what you recorded weeks ago.
As outlined by Psychology Today blogger Christopher Bergland, even small improvements in exercise levels or diet create a positive upward spiral that increases the sensitivity of the dopamine receptors that signal reward, so that exercise will eventually become rewarding, even if that seems unimaginable at the outset. — Sarah Gingell Ph.D.
Embrace diversity even when it comes to exercising. Cheers!